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KB DAV-7, Chandigarh witnesses its ‘Ninth Investiture Ceremony’ today investing in its students the responsibilities of Office Bearers for the session 2024-25. It was a day dipped in a sense of pride, humility and leadership.  The newly appointed School Senate – Head Boy, Head Girl, Vice-Head Girl, the Captains, the Vice-Captains and the Prefects of the Four Houses namely Jasmine, Lotus, Rose and Tulip were decorated with the Badges and Sashes by Principal, Mrs. Pooja Prakash. The School Senate Members were selected through Senate Elections where the nominated candidates campaigned, followed by casting of votes through Ballot Paper. The stakeholders expressed their Vision and took an Oath to uphold and respect the school values and ideology and become positive Role Models for their peers and juniors. 

The Principal Mrs. Pooja Prakash extended her heartiest congratulations to the newly inducted student leaders and advised them never to lose sight of their Goals, Stay Steadfast, Holding on to their precious ‘Integrity’, standing for what is Right, never forgetting their roots and keeping alive the DAV Motto of School ‘Man Making and Character Building’. She guided the young Torch Bearers of the school to carry forth in them the Spirit of Leadership, Responsibility and Unity and to instil ‘the Will to Excel and Lead’ in all their school students. 

On the occasion, the young learners from classes VIII to XII, who have been selected as the Club Members were also honoured with the badges.

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